Thursday, November 1, 2007

Save our Shearwaters by Ellie Hancock

Hi. My name is Ellie and I want to tell you about Shearwaters because I don't want them to become extinct.
Here are some things to know about Shearwaters:
1. they build their nests in burrows and lay one egg.
2. they eat squid and tuna.
3. they sound like a crying baby.
4. they howl at the moon.
5. they fly at night and have to go 1000 miles to get their babys food.
6. they are getting extinct.
Here are some things that are not okay for shearwaters:
1. bright lights which can confuse the birds and make them run into something. (From mom: shearwaters use the moon to navigate at night. Bright lights cause them to become disoriented.)
2. no dogs or cats because they can eat shearwaters. (From mom: shearwaters nest on the ground which make them very vulnerable to non-native animals like cats and dogs.)
These are some things that can help shearwaters:
1. if you take a picture of a shearwater please take your flash off so the light won't bother the bird.
2. if you go near some shearwaters please put your dog or cat on a leash.
3. if you find a shearwater on the ground ask a grown up to help you. You can take it to an aid station or the fire station and they will put it in a safe place.
I want to help shearwaters so they won't be extinct.


Tonya Hancock said...

Great post! I learned a lot about Shearwaters, and promise that when Uncle Rob and I come to visit you in March that I will follow your advice. Will you help us spot a Shearwater?

Keep having fun! We are having fall weather in TN now, and Uncle Rob and I had a bonfire in our backyard last weekend. This weekend we are going to the Opry! Yee Haw!

Aunt Tonya

Melissa Willoughby said...

Hi Ellie!
I'm so excited that you are learning about Shearwaters and are helping educate people about how to save them. Aren't birds cool??!! I love them. Let me know if I can do anything to help you with your Save our Shearwaters effort!

WIlson Family said...

Awesome information! I am so inspired by kids like you who care. That is why I want to make a movie. I hope that you will give me lots of ideas! See you in January.
Love, Heather